Wednesday, July 05, 2006


After speaking to Alison last night about the way I have been feeling, being her husband, but yet having limited influence on her personal well being, I have come to the conclusion, we pretty much have to start all over again with our relationship. I have discount most of what happened before the stroke, and start getting to know her all over again. When I mentioned the incident regarding her broker, she sided with Deon, saying that he knew her much longer, and was protecting her. From who? Llewelyn, her husband, who loves her and married her, to share a life with her. It is certainly clear that it will take a couple of years for me to be in a position to be trusted above her collegues and friends. On a positive note, Alison is doing well, and has cooked supper for me the last two evenings. I am so impressed with her determination, and now needs limited help. She got in and out of the bath, all on her own.

Emmylou is in Grahamstown with her friends, at the Film Festival, as her boyfriend, Marc, is producing one of the plays at the Festival.

(Picture taken 6th November 2005, on honeymoon)

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